An International Diabetes Mission to curb it by 2030

diabetes mission

Millions suffer and die from T2D and T1D due to lack of awareness. Education is crucial to empower individuals with knowledge about prevention, management, and early intervention. Together, let’s raise awareness and save lives from the devastating impact of diabetes.

This is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce or use insulin,The history of diabetes can be traced back to ancient times, with evidence of the disease found in the writings of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

In the 1st century CE, the Greek physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia provided the first detailed description of diabetes, calling it “the melting down of flesh and limbs into urine.”

Join the global diabetes mission to combat T2D by 2030. Discover prevention, management, and treatment strategies to reduce the burden of this chronic disease and improve lives worldwide. Together, let’s create a healthier future.Types of disease include T1D,T2D,,gestational,ADA ,MODY

A chronic disease that jeopardizes millions of people around the globe. While there is no cure for this silent killer, only prevention and management strategies can increase human lifespan by a balanced low-calorie diet, exercise, and medication

Writing is a critical tool of information and is a powerful resource for spreading knowledge for the proper management of antidiabetes medication and thus we can take part in diabetes mission

By sharing up-to-date information, we can empower everyone to take proactive steps a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, scientific knowledge is an evidence-based insight into the causes and consequences of mismanagement and careless dealing with such ailment or disorder

It is important to mainstream high-fiber antioxidants and nutrient-rich edibles, doing at least 6.34 km regular walk, and proper medical treatment By disseminating knowledge based advice, we can support decision making for betterment and wellbeing.

In addition, we can create a diabetic alert through our online messages, and bulletin to highlight the impact of this disorder or illness on the generation and the need for collective action to address this global health challenge. By communicating we can inspire the public to take action through advocacy, community engagement, or personal lifestyle changes.