late-night meals

Late-night Meals

Can Late-Night Meals Worsen Type 2 Diabetes? A Scientific Insight Overview In recent years, the timing of meals has become a topic of growing interest in the management of metabolic conditions, particularly type 2 diabetes (T2D). A study conducted by Diana A. Díaz-Rizzolo and her team explored how the late-night meals in impacts glucose metabolism…

low cab plant origin diet

Low Carb Plant Diet

Longevity of Diabetes is related to Low carb plant diet New Research A new study suggests taking low carb plant origin diet for longevity and healthy The approach will keep you fit .To improve your diet and reduce the risk of worsening diabetes, consider incorporating more whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole…

diabetism diabetic education with pic of food for sugar patients .

Dietism Diabetic Education

Dietism Diabetic Education: A Path to Healthier Living Introduction Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions worldwide, affecting millions of people each year. A key component of managing diabetes is adopting a healthy lifestyle, particularly with respect to diet. “Dietism diabetic education,” or the philosophy of eating with a purpose—often for health—is…